Halogen(卤素)是第ⅦA族非金属元素,包括了氟(Fluorine-)、氯(Chlorine)、溴(Bromine)、碘(Iodine)和砹(Astatine)五种元素,合称卤素。其中砹(Astatine)为放射性元素,人们通常所指的卤素是氟、氯、溴、碘四种元素。卤素化合物经常作为一种阻燃剂:PBB, PBDE, TBBP-A, PCB,六溴十二烷,三溴苯酚,短链氯化石蜡等,应用于电子零组件与材料、产品外壳、塑胶等。此种阻燃剂无法回收使用,而且在燃烧与加热过程中会释放有害物质,威胁到人类身体的健康、环境和下一代子孙。
1. What is Halogen?
Halogen: Group VIIA in periodic table which is non-metal elements including Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine. Since Astatine is a radioactive element, halogens are normally means Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine.
2. Use of Halogen
Halogen is being used in a wide range of electronic device and its sub-parts including machine case, printed circuit board, cable wire, plastic parts and packaging material. Halogenated materials posses of high heat resistance which limits its combustion in a fire and provides excellent fire safety performance.
在塑料等聚合物产品中添加卤素(氟,氯,溴,碘)用以提高燃点,其优点是:燃点比普通聚合物材料高,燃点大约在 300℃ 。燃烧时,会散发出卤化气体(氟,氯,溴,碘),迅速吸收氧气,从而使火熄灭。但其缺点是释放出的氯气浓度高时,引起的能见度下降会导致无法识别逃生路径,同时氯气具有很强的毒性,影响人的呼吸系统,此外,含卤聚合物燃烧释放出的卤素气在与水蒸汽结合时,会生成腐蚀性有害气体(卤化氢),对一些设备及建筑物造成腐蚀。
3. Harmfulness of Halogen
Halogenated plastic materials will release corrosive and toxic gases if ignited in a fire. The corrosive element (i.e. Chlorine) of these gases has the risk to damage electronics function. The toxic element may also affect human immune and endocrine system. Toxicity study has also classified these toxic elements are potentially carcinogenic, heterogenic risk in human.
4. Restriction on Halogens Freeinogenic, heterogenic risk in human.
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